Click on items below to view detail
Wooden Scandinavian wall clock refinished and gilded
Dresden group of royalty with missing crown on top of carriage
19th Century Chinese bat vase in numerous pieces
English blue and white vase
Venetian glass clown
Whale bone carving of hunter
Swarovski whale and calf broken off base
Pottery statue of girl broken and with major cracks
18th Century faience fu dog with broken leg
Soapstone drummer with broken arms
Royal Doulton Indian Chief with broken horse tail
Sowerby glass clock case in numerous pieces
Parian statue of nude in numerous pieces
Pair of Meissen wall sconces with broken arms
Pottery bust in numerous pieces
: AF Soapstone broken/ missing pieces
Antique Doll head with face broken off
Antique Glass Bowl
Antique Glass Creamer
Copyright ©2002 Kingsmen Antique Restoration Inc.